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Swyp APK 5.2.1

Swyp APK 5.2.1

Jun 19, 2020

About This Version

  • Version Version 5.2.1
    Update Update Jun 19, 2020
    Developer Developer Etisalat Uae
  • Categry Categry lifestyle
    Size Size 56M
    Android OS Android OS 4.2 and up

Download FAQs

How to Download?

Just click download button to last page of Swyp Mod App. Then you can download Mod APK file.

Why the file I download is the HappyMod App?

If the file you download is HappyMod App, that means the file is an XAPK file. It cannot be installed directly on your Android Devices. You need download the HappyMod first. Then you back the webpage, click download button, this app will be downloaded on HappyMod App.

Why the download speed is slow?

The download speed in HappyMod App is always fast. If you download speed is slow, you can pause the download progress, wait for minutes, then restart the download, the download speed will faster.

Why the download not start?

There are some of reasons the download is not start. You can try several times.

APK Info

Size 56M
Version 5.2.1
Version Code 1
Lang ar ca da fa ja ka pa ta nb id be de ne te af bg th zh fi hi si vi kk mk sk uk el gl ml nl pl sl tl am km bn in kn mn ko lo ro sq fr hr mr sr tr ur bs cs es is ms et it lt pt eu gu hu ru zu lv sv iw sw hy ky my az uz bs_BA fr_CA lo_LA en_GB bn_BD et_EE ka_GE ky_KG km_KH zh_HK si_LK mk_MK ur_PK sq_AL hy_AM my_MM zh_CN pa_IN ta_IN te_IN ml_IN en_IN kn_IN mr_IN gu_IN mn_MN ne_NP pt_BR gl_ES es_ES eu_ES is_IS es_US pt_PT en_AU zh_TW be_BY ms_MY az_AZ kk_KZ uz_UZ


Permission Txt OTHER:
Allows applications to access information about networks.
This constant was deprecated in API level 21. No longer enforced.
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
Allows an app to access precise location.
Allows an app to access approximate location.
Allows read only access to phone state, including the phone number of the device, current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of any PhoneAccounts registered on the device.
Allows an application to read from external storage.
Allows an application to write to external storage.
Required to be able to access the camera device.
Allows an application to receive SMS messages.
Allows an application to read SMS messages.
Allows an application to send SMS messages.
Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.
Allows an application to write the user's contacts data.
Min Sdk 17
Min Sdk Txt Android 4.2、4.2.2 (JELLY_BEAN_MR1)
Target Txt 25
Target Sdk Txt 25
Multi Window No
Supports Screens small, normal, large, xlarge
CPU arm64-v8a armeabi armeabi-v7a mips mips64 x86 x86_64
Open Gl Int 0
Supports Any Density Yes
Densities 120, 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65534
Uses Features Screen hardware features:
The app requires the device to use the portrait or landscape orientation. If your app supports both orientations, then you don't need to declare either feature.
Uses Not Features Screen hardware features:
The app requires the device to use the portrait or landscape orientation. If your app supports both orientations, then you don't need to declare either feature.
Uses implied Features Camera hardware features:
The app uses the autofocus feature that the device's camera supports.
Location hardware features
MD5 7149D0095DD42F4B669B8AFEF44E9DDE
Signature 9B2C158AB7F9CAB02679BDC81544D7D3A8D70173
Sha256 323AF5E75B753EBFB80A6054646F38C75822FC7BCA2591B01B26870BC2A1397C
Valid From Mon Nov 28 15:27:20 CST 2016 until: Fri Nov 22 15:27:20 CST 2041
Serial Number 586fc32b
Developer swyp
Ou swyp";i:5;s:24:"Issuer: CN=swyp


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