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Sonidos Molang APK 1.1

Sonidos Molang APK 1.1

May 31, 2020

About This Version

  • Version Version 1.1
    Update Update May 31, 2020
    Developer Developer Rea De Informtica Ipst Rancagua
  • Categry Categry games
    Size Size 2.7M
    Android OS Android OS 5.0 and up

Download FAQs

How to Download?

Just click download button to last page of Sonidos Molang Mod App. Then you can download Mod APK file.

Why the file I download is the HappyMod App?

If the file you download is HappyMod App, that means the file is an XAPK file. It cannot be installed directly on your Android Devices. You need download the HappyMod first. Then you back the webpage, click download button, this app will be downloaded on HappyMod App.

Why the download speed is slow?

The download speed in HappyMod App is always fast. If you download speed is slow, you can pause the download progress, wait for minutes, then restart the download, the download speed will faster.

Why the download not start?

There are some of reasons the download is not start. You can try several times.

APK Info

Size 2.7M
Version 1.1
Version Code 2
Lang af am ar as az be bg bn bs ca cs da de el en-AU en-CA en-GB en-IN en-XC es es-US et eu fa fi fr fr-CA gl gu hi hr hu hy in is it iw ja ka kk km kn ko ky lo lt lv mk ml mn mr ms my nb ne nl or pa pl pt pt-BR pt-PT ro ru si sk sl sq sr sr-Latn sv sw ta te th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh-CN zh-HK zh-TW zu


Min Sdk 21
Min Sdk Txt Android 5.0 (LOLLIPOP)
Target Txt 29
Target Sdk Txt 29
Multi Window No
Supports Screens small, normal, large, xlarge
Open Gl Int 0
Supports Any Density Yes
Densities 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65534
Uses Features Touchscreen hardware features:
The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.
Uses implied Features The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.#:

MD5 37F53DD75F283BC07522C218291BB38E
Signature EFBA45FA36868738E04FB312D05EC5014FE907A0
Sha256 6FDEDEA2E3BCE92DA028A6B06D1BCD3AA060F3EBFDD739B0B8227AA012933B97
Valid From Fri Dec 06 05:54:52 CET 2019 until: Mon Dec 06 05:54:52 CET 2049
Serial Number 8b027c8cfd8cddcb8dad457e1315a2e536666933
Developer Android
Ou Android
Organization Google Inc.
Locale Mountain View
Country US
City California