Jun 20, 2020
Just click download button to last page of Crypto Planet Mod App. Then you can download Mod APK file.
If the file you download is HappyMod App, that means the file is an XAPK file. It cannot be installed directly on your Android Devices. You need download the HappyMod first. Then you back the webpage, click download button, this app will be downloaded on HappyMod App.
The download speed in HappyMod App is always fast. If you download speed is slow, you can pause the download progress, wait for minutes, then restart the download, the download speed will faster.
There are some of reasons the download is not start. You can try several times.
Size | 21M |
Version | 1.1.5 |
Version Code | 13 |
Lang | af am ar as az be bg bn bs ca cs da de de-AT de-CH el en-AU en-CA en-GB en-IE en-IN en-SG en-XC en-ZA es es-419 es-AR es-BO es-CL es-CO es-CR es-DO es-EC es-ES es-GT es-HN es-MX es-NI es-PA es-PE es-PR es-PY es-SV es-US es-UY es-VE et eu fa fi fil fr fr-CA fr-CH gl gsw gu hi hr hu hy id in is it iw ja ka kk km kn ko ky ln lo lt lv mk ml mn mo mr ms my nb ne nl no or pa pl pt pt-BR pt-PT ro ru si sk sl sq sr sr-Latn sv sw ta te th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh zh-CN zh-HK zh-TW zu |
Permission Txt |
OTHER: Allows applications to open network sockets. Allows access to the vibrator. Allows applications to access information about networks. Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. STORAGE: Allows an application to write to external storage. Allows an application to read from external storage. CAMERA: Required to be able to access the camera device. LOCATION: Allows an app to access precise location. |
Min Sdk | 19 |
Min Sdk Txt | Android 4.4 (KITKAT) |
Target Txt | 28 |
Target Sdk Txt | Android 9.0 |
Multi Window | No |
Supports Screens | small, normal, large, xlarge |
CPU | armeabi-v7a |
Open Gl Int | 0 |
Supports Any Density | Yes |
Densities | 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65534, 65535 |
Uses Features |
Touchscreen hardware features: The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system. |
Uses implied Features |
The app uses the device's back-facing camera. Devices with only a front-facing camera do not list this feature, so use the android.hardware.camera.any feature instead if your app can communicate with any camera, regardless of which direction the camera faces.#other.#The app requires the device to use the portrait or landscape orientation. If your app supports both orientations, then you don't need to declare either feature.#The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.#: |
MD5 | D5156CBB6E5462F8C548222A7CD1EC82 |
Signature | FAD01AD11DB717FE2E5B2111D1BAB9C3FB21C75F |
Sha256 | E53743915DC42AA6E6BDB44B4267073129C136B4F2BD4DEECC0FEDDDA68981CD |
Valid From | Sun Oct 13 04:21:58 CEST 2019 until: Wed Oct 13 04:21:58 CEST 2049 |
Serial Number | e6e3be8f7e278fd932ba078b6ee7c3e58a651c28 |
Developer | Android |
Ou | Android |
Organization | Google Inc. |
Locale | Mountain View |
Country | US |
City | California |
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